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Australia Introduces New Work Visa for International Students

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia has announced a new visa option to allow graduating international students to work in the country. To qualify, a graduate should have a Bachelor’s, Masters or Doctoral degree from an Australian university.

This new visa option will be an additional stream in the existing ‘Temporary Skilled Graduate (subclass 485) visa which will be renamed as ‘Temporary Graduate’. Interested applicants may apply under this visa subclass through either this new arrangement or the already existing graduate work stream provided they meet the specific criteria.

This however does not provide a pathway to permanent residence. This means that applicants under this stream will not be required to submit skills assessments or nominate a skilled occupation.

On the other hand, the validity of this visa will depend on the qualification that the applicants have used to qualify.

If you are interested in obtaining an Australian visa, call us at +65 6299 0246 or email us for further assistance in knowing and understanding your options.
You can also try our free migration assessment to let our consultants help you determine your eligibility.

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